NADS team wishes everyone a safe start of the New Year. Drive Safely!



National Advanced Driver’s School

What is the pricing for defensive driver training courses?

Payments can be made online by using Visa, Mastercard, or AMEX.  You can also select the invoice option and have an invoice created for your organisation.

Book Now!

Drive to Survive (Course 1)
Drivers Price GST exc Price GST inc
50+ $408.70 $470.00
20-49 $430.43 $495.00
5-19 $451.30 $519.00
1-4 $486.09 $559.00
Drive Forever (Course 2)
Drivers Price GST exc Price GST inc
20+ $460.00 $529.00
5-19 $486.09 $559.00
1-4 $520.87 $599.00
Team Defensive Driving (Course 3)
Drivers Price GST exc Price GST inc
All Drivers $520.86 $599.00

Cancellations and Transfers

Transfers are free unless they apply to bookings less than 10 working days, prior to the course. Contact us to arrange.

If drivers are not available within 10 days of the course there is no refund. You can replace/change drivers up until the day of the course at no extra charge.

  • Become a better driver

    All drivers can improve their driving, we can help.

Student Special for “Drive to Survive” (Level 1) $379 Incl GST.

Participants must be full time students with a minimum of a Restricted Licence,

Bookings can be made by emailing or calling 0272 004 087

Students taking advantage of the discounted offer will not be eligible for transfers to new dates and all payments must be made at the time of booking.

Please note Students who complete this course will not be eligible for a reduction in time spent on their Restricted Licence.