NADS team wishes everyone a safe start of the New Year. Drive Safely!


Frequently asked questions

National Advanced Driver’s School

Search here to find answers to commonly asked questions or contact us as we can often help.

  • Questions?

    If you have any questions about our courses or bookings check out our FAQ’s or
    Contact us or call 09 360 1882

Do I require “My Vaccine Pass” to attend?

Yes, we are operating under the Covid-19 Protection Framework, all participants and instructors will be required to have “My Vaccine Pass” to attend.

Can I participate if I am on a Restricted licence?

Yes if you have a minimum of 3 months driving experience, but note this course will not reduce the time spent on a restricted licence before obtaining a full licence.

Can I participate if I am on a learners licence?

No, under no circumstances.

Can I participate on an overseas licence?

Yes if it is recognised by NZTA as valid for New Zealand.

Should I attend if I am sick?

You should not, you should stay home and recover and rebook for another date, we provide generous discounts in these circumstances.

What happens if I am late?

It depends on how late, a few minutes is fine, but if you miss the initial safety briefings you may be asked to rebook.

Why do I receive certificate reminders?

All participants receive a certificate (digital) upon completion of the course.  The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the course.


Participants will receive reminders when the certificate is getting close to the 3 year expiry.  This enables the participant to rebook on the “Drive to Survive”, Level 1 course or the “Drive Forever” Level 2 course.

Once you are rebooked the system will continue to send reminders until the previous certification has expired.

Do I need to bring a vehicle?

Yes, unless you are sharing a vehicle which you can do on Drive to Survive, Level 1 courses.

What time does it start and finish?

We start at 8.30am and are normally over by 4.00pm.

Do I need to bring lunch?

Yes, you do, though some venues have places nearby you can buy lunch from. The lunch break is normally 30minutes.

Will I get emailed the instructions?

Upon registration all participants receive email confirmations, then reminders, 1 month prior, a week prior and the day prior with full course instructions.

Should I be nervous?

It is normal for participants to feel nervous, this usually eases as they become involved with the days activities.

If the weather is bad is the course likely to proceed?

Yes we train in most conditions, unless the Police have asked drivers to stay at home.